Vijay Sokhi has been speaking extensively and imparting his learning to the people. He has ably trained many of his clients in various domains such as sales, marketing, creating demand, and launching brands. He has spoken at various events organized by reputed business schools such as ITM – Mumbai, ICFAI Business School – Pune, SIES College – Mumbai; and been part of events like SME Prakash and Udhyam Prabhat.
Imparting training to their employees and clients is one of the key functions of an organization which helps them in achieving growth. The training can be on basic improvision in skills such as sales, communication, negotiation, leadership or it could be on serious subjects such as:
- Managing conflicts
- Training managers on how to pull people out of their comfort zone
- Managing competition

Besides these, if there is the need for any specific training the same can be developed.
Sharp Consulting and Implementing company believe in creating an impact with their delivery. For us, the most important part of training is not only the content but also the way the content is presented to the audience. More than imparting a skill, the key role that a trainer performs is of transforming people. Only when people are transformed shall the organization begin the process of transformation. New skills imparted in a dramatic way will create change that is robust.
To schedule a training with Vijay Sokhi